lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

2008: A Year of Closure

I would like to wish you all my very best for 2009. May all your wishes come true and may all your loved ones stay happy and healthy.
The past Christmas and New Year's Eve was not only special but also particular. It was our first Christmas in our new home and almost all of my family got together for a wonderful and fun reunion.
As the joy of remembering those moments with family is still vivid, now that this new year has started I cannot help but to think about what 2008 meant for me. It was definately a year of conclusion where not only a chapter in my life came to an awaited end, but also I got rid of heavy "luggage" that I had not been courageous enough to throw away before. I feel so much lighter! :) It was also a year that allowed me to get to know me better and challenge myself a bit further. I also got to knit and cook a lot!!
So now with lighter spirits and great expectations for this 2009, a year that will change my life forever, I was finally able to finish my most challenging knitting project so far. My "Primo Fair Isles" from Interweave Knits Fall 2007. I feel so proud after 8 months of suffering with it!

Here is a picture of the back:
And as usual, starting the New Year I started a new project that is both fun and fast. I am planning on finishing it within a week:

Here is a picture of one of the dishes that were served at our Christmas Dinner: a very easy stuffed loin pork roast. Thanks Martha Stewart! If you care for the recipe just ask!


2 comentarios:

Elisa dijo...

Como esta todo por allá!! Tiempo sin venir,ni saber de ti.... pero poniendome al día... he estado liada de tiempo... pero finalmente puedo postear ver cuanto han avanzado! De a poco me pondré al día!!
Las he extrañado un montón!

Betty dijo...


Muchas gracias por tus comentarios, fueron momentos duros, pero ya todo paso, y volvió la calma.
Me he enterado que cambiaste tu residencia.
Ha sido muy grato conocerte, y aunque lejos, espero seguir en contacto.
Igualmente mis mejores deseos para este 2009.
Te envio un fuerte abrazo.
Por cierto, te quede super linda tu blusa, tarde en reconocerla, porque cuando la vi, estaba en sus comienzos.
No cabe duda eres una buenaza con las agujas.
