lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

A Surprise from Down Under.

It is starting to feel like Autumn here in Mexico City. The sun shines in the first part of the day but soon in the afternoon the shadows start to get longer and the rays of light begin to take a soft orange color. I simply love it. It is definately my favourite season of the year.

This time the first signals of autumn started with a a very special parcel from beautiful Australia. My dear friend Patrizia sent me a very special gift that has brightened the whole season.

Isn't this lovely?:

A beautiful wool and angora lace scarf, 4 delicious Twix bars and the cutest stuffed bear to accompany my knitting bear. They look good together, don't you think?

Thank you very much Patrizia, my very best to you all the way to Australia!

Also to celebrate the coming season I designed, cut and sew myself a blouse. This is the first time I am posting here a piece of clothing made by me. I love its color -again green, right Patrizia? ;)
Fashion Design is something that is part of my personal and professional life so I'll be glad to start also sharing this part with you here.

See you soon!

3 comentarios:

Betty dijo...

Hola Marie:

Te felicito, que bonita blusa. Te quedo muyyyyyyyyyy bien.
Y tus regalitos, que tal.
La lace ribon scarf esta preciosa.
Que tengas muy linda tarde.
Te dejo un abrazo.

Betty dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Zia dijo...

Oh Marie I am so very glad my gift arrived safely to you! It makes me very happy that you loved everything... and you also made a green shirt to match 'Pistachio'! haha.

Patrizia :)